Tools & Maintenance
In the years of cycling you may have to get your hands dirty to solve an unexpected mechanical and then you will appreciated the tips learnt along the way from experienced friends. Most modern bikes are not easy to maintain but the small things and basic adjustments are within reach. All you need is a few tools and a standard multi-tool "Allan Key" set, and adjust the bike to your comfort. The secret to a happy bike is to always keeping it clean and well lubricated. Even your mechanic will thank you!
BBB Conefix cone wrench
-30%BBB Airshock mini pump for suspension
-31%BBB CO2 Blaster mini pump
-29%BBB Windrush S mini pump
-30%BBB Matchbox Chain with chaintool multitool
-30%BBB Torx T T30 key wrench
-30%BBB Hex T Hexagonal wrench
-30%BBB AirBoost Steel Dualhead 3.0 pump
BBB Gadget Gauge Pump BMP 92 digital manometer
BBB Easyroad mini pump
-30%BBB Easyroad mini pump
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